This course format is where trainer will explain you the subject via online live session. Date and time are not decided yet but it will be planned within next 2 weeks after you enroll & pay for this course. Get in touch with our team if any clarification is required.
What all you will learn:
Who needs to store LPG
How much LPG is stored
Why it is hazardous
What equipment are essential
With basic knowledge of storage system, the person will expand his scope for getting opportunity to work on design of such facilities, erection, commissioning and operation of such facilities where substantial number of manpower is required. The jobs are very satisfying and remunerative.
This course will be like a first step towards that.
Key topics covered:
Types of storage vessels
Safety fittings mandatory for vessels
Piping provided and function of each piping segment
Provision of pumps and compressors
General review of safety provisions
Objective: To explain the Essential equipment required for storing LPG for bulk consumption at user's premises, and relevant rules in India
Description of subject
Industries using LPG as fuel for their manufacturing activities, need to store LPG in bulk, like 10 ton and more, to hundreds of tons. Being of hazardous nature (highly inflammable), extreme care is taken from design stage to daily consumption, operation, maintenance etc. To ensure safety, PESO has formulated rules --- SMPV Rules -- covering various aspects of storage and handling.
This course focuses on what are minimum essential parts of the storage plant and what are the relevant rules. There are variety of storage vessels /tanks, from which LPG is taken for consumption. So there is piping, valves, pressure regulators, pumps, compressors, vapourisers, leak detectors, fire fighting equipment and so on. There is an arrangement for refilling these tanks. This course explains in general the system and the flow diagram. Each part of the system is covered under some code and is critical to safety of the plant and the operation.
Everybody working in LPG engineering field, must have basic knowledge of storage system, whether he/ she is working nearby it or far away from it. This course is designed keeping that as the theme.
With basic knowledge of storage system, the person will expand his scope for getting opportunity to work on design of such facilities, erection, commissioning and operation of such facilities where substantial number of manpower is required. The jobs are very satisfying and remunerative.
This course will be like a first step towards that.
You can join remaining modules at discounted price, by making one time payment. Contact EveryEng for details. Topics of remaining modules are listed here for information. Mod. 4. Safety of storage installation and relevant rules. 5. Safety fittings. 6. Transportation of LPG by road and relevant rules. 7. LPG transfer systems and relevant equipment. 8. Hazards associated with LPG and care taken at different stages
Industry domains :
Engineering Disciplines :
Senior Engineer
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Mechanical Design Enginee...
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